CCOIC 中国国际商会

NCCC is a strategic partner to China Chamber of International Chamber of Commerce (CCOIC),

CCOIC is a nationwide business organization inChina, representing the most dynamic and internationalized Chinese companies of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as national and local non-governmental organizations.

CCOIC’s mission is, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, to expand the international business relationship to the benefit of its membership and, more broadly, the Chinese economy. It favors constructive engagement with foreign countries to eliminate trade and investment barriers and develop a rules-based commercial environment; improvement of business self-regulation in China and representation of China in the setting of international business rules and standards; advocacy for members whenever the Chinese or foreign government makes decisions that crucially affect corporate interests; spreading of business expertise to the development of Chinese economy, international business cooperation and the growth and prosperity of less developed countries.

CCOIC is governed by a board of directors composed of over 100 distinguished corporate leaders. The current chair is Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

CCOIC served as the National Committee of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) since China’s entry into ICC in 1994.  Headquartered in Beijing, CCOIC maintains a professional staff of policy experts, lawyers, trainers, event organizers, and communicators. Special initiatives covering banking rules, new energy, recycling resources, infrastructure, education and training, debt collection, and real estate mobilize the involvement and contribution of members with the backup of CCOIC branches and expert commissions.



中国国际商会于1994年代表中国加入了国际商业组织—国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce 简称ICC),国际商会中国国家委员会(The Affiliate of International Chamber of Commerce in China 简称ICC CHINA)秘书局设在中国国际商会。中国国际商会在开展与国际商会(ICC)相关业务时,使用ICC CHINA的名义。中国国际商会组织会员单位,全面深入地参与国际商会的各种活动,利用国际商会的全球商业网络,同各国商界、政府相关机构以及国际组织建立广泛联系,促进中外企业的合作与交流,推动中国经济融入世界的进程。